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New User Sign Up
Updated over 6 months ago

To access Track3D, you will need to create your user account first. Follow the instructions below to sign up to our system and create your account.

Creating a New User Account on the Web App:

  1. Navigate to the Track3D Sign-Up page.

  1. Here, enter the following information: First Name, Last Name, Work Email, and choose your Password.

  2. After entering your information, select "Sign Up". This completes your sign-up process.

  3. You would receive a verification email. Click on the link in the email we've sent you, you're all set—your email address has already been verified.

  4. You can login to your account using your credentials.

Note: Verification emails are only valid for 24 hours. You will have to request a new verification email if the old email link has expired.

We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected]

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