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Upload Status
Updated over 6 months ago

Upload Status

Click Upload to start uploading your file and check the progress.

Uploads will be in progress in the background and you can exit the upload section. You can check the number of uploads at the top right of the screen.

Note: While you can browse the app, you cannot close this window / app. If you close, you will see a pop-up as shown below. If you still want to leave the page, then all the data will be lost and the upload will fail.

Pending Uploads

Click the Upload icon in the top navigation bar to see a list of uploads in progress. You can see the status of each file by clicking on an upload.

Note: The uploads in progress you see here are specific to a project. Even if you select an upload that is in progress from the top right corner of the screen, then it navigates you to the Upload screen within the project.

Reuploading the failed files

On the loading screen, if some files are not uploaded, files are marked with an error icon. You get a pop message for option of retrying the upload, where you can retry or you can skip the retry step. However, If you click on submit for processing, you'll see a toast indicating that the file has been submitted for processing.

The failed files are will not be sent to processing and will appear as failed in the current session.

Note: User will also receive email notifications for successful uploads, as well as for failed uploads.

We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected]

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