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Import Roles
Updated over a week ago

Track3D allows project admins to import roles from other projects where they also have admin access. This feature helps maintain consistency in role assignments across multiple projects without manually recreating them.


  • You must have Admin access in both the source and target projects.

  • The source project must have roles available for import.

Navigate to Roles & Permissions

  • Open Track3D and go to the Roles & Permissions section.

  • Click the "Import Roles" button in the top-right corner.

  • A pop-up window will appear, displaying projects where you have admin access.

  • Choose the project from which you want to import roles.

Note: If no projects are available for import, a message stating "No projects are available to import roles" will be displayed

Choose Roles to Import

  • After selecting the project, a list of available roles will be displayed which are created for that project.

  • Check the boxes next to the roles you want to import. Or you can also search for specific roles

  • Click "Import" to proceed.

Confirmation & Role Import

  • The selected roles will be imported into the current project.

  • You will be redirected to the Roles & Permissions page, where the imported roles will now be visible.

Tip: You can edit permissions for the imported roles as needed after the import process.

We hope this guide was helpful, for further assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected]

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