As an administrator of the project, you have the authority to manage user permissions and control access levels for different individuals. We offer three distinct roles:
Collaborator, and
Each role has specific permissions and responsibilities to ensure efficient collaboration and secure data access. This link explains the different roles and the access levels that they will have.
To manage user permissions, follow these steps:
Login to your admin account.
Click on the Project Card to go to the ‘Views’ page
Click on the users' button on the navigation bar to the left side of the screen to view the users’ page
On this page, you will find the list of users and their roles(See a sample line below for a user)
You have two options at the end of the line for each user to either de-assign the person from the project or modify the user role respectively.
You will be asked for confirmation if you want to de-assign the user
If you wish to edit, you will be shown a drop-down box to choose the new role
We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected]