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Files Selection
Updated over 6 months ago

You can drag and drop or search for files. You can add up to 1500 files on this screen. Users can drag and drop up to 100 files at a time, add up to 100 more and so on. If there are more than 1500 files to capture, once the first session completes for 1500, a new session must be started for the remaining files being captured.

Only jpeg and jpg files with metadata are supported.

The selected file and its size will be displayed.

After adding all the files, click "Confirm Images" to continue.

Duplicate files:

When you select duplicate files, a pop-up window will appear showing the number of duplicate files found. These files will be skipped and the remaining files will be sent.

We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected]

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