Project Configuration (Project Details Page)
Project configuration settings allow you to customise various aspects of your project. To access these settings:
Navigate to your approved project and access the "Project Details" section.
Within "Project Details," you'll find a tab labelled "Project Configuration." This tab replaces the previous location for these settings on the project card.
Customizing Project Configuration Options
The "Project Configuration" tab displays a list of categories with default options:
Issue Priority (e.g., High, Medium, Low)
Task Priority (e.g., High, Medium, Low)
Issue Status (e.g., Open, In Progress, Resolved)
Task Status (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done)
Tags (customizable labels for further project organization)
Adding or Deleting Options
You can personalize these categories by adding or deleting options:
Click the "+" icon next to a category to add a new option.
Click the "-" icon next to an existing option to delete it.
Text Limit and Saving Changes
The maximum character limit for each option name is 14.
To save any changes you make to the project configuration settings, click the "Update" button.
Clicking "Cancel" will discard any unsaved changes.
We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected]