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Project Cards
Updated over a week ago

This guide will familiarize you with Track3D's new project card design, offering a more informative and flexible experience for managing your projects.

Key Features:

  • Responsive Design: The card adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing on any device.

  • Scalable Information: The card can accommodate more buttons and details as needed, future-proofing its functionality.

  • Improved Navigation: Information is presented clearly, allowing for quicker understanding of project status.

Project Card Elements:

Company Logo (For Specific Users): Certain users (including demo accounts) will see a company logo in the top left corner, uploaded by the processing or sales team.

Project Image:

  • User-uploaded images will fill the available space.

  • A default image displays if no image is uploaded.

Project Information:

  • City: Location details from project data.(As a city might be shown as ‘Unknown’ in some cases, we should mention that state would be shown instead of city.)

  • Capture Availability: Shows "Available" or "Not Available" for 2D progress. Clicking this leads to the 2D progress landing page.(It is only available in Beta version)

  • Capture Types: Displays available capture types (e.g., Drone, Phone Image). Clicking the "More" button reveals additional capture types.

  • Last Captured Date: Reflects the date of the latest processed/unprocessed capture.

Team Management:

  • User avatars represent team members assigned to the project.

  • "Add User" button allows adding team members (restricted to users with permission). Clicking a user avatar opens the "Manage User" screen.

Landing Page Updates:

The project landing page has been improved with:

  • Quick Filters: Filter projects by "Draft", "Active" and "Pending Approval states" at the top. (Note: "Pending Approval" might always be displayed, regardless of filter selection.)

We hope this guide empowers you to effectively navigate and manage your projects using Track3D's new project card design!

We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected]

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